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Guiding ourselves back to essence

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Our lives are conceived and comprised of imprints and impulses.

When I remember this life becomes simple - and more meaningful, more loving, more forgiving.

I am reminded how amazing, original and powerful we are, and how easy it is to turn things around if we want to. To take life day by day if we need to. To create what we choose to in each moment. We are empowered, always.

Personally I am ignited by the power of possibility. Nothing makes me feel more real than seeing the possibility of an idea, born from love and realised with love. I tend to look at the big stuff and deconstruct to its essence, to find where meaning and vibration resides. To touch that inner compass which propels and guides future imprints and impulses.

After all we're just a bunch of walking hearts trying to navigate our way. The question is: “What do you want to create?”

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Creating your own reality - clarified

There is a concept that a person can create their your own reality.

This concept is only partially correct because it is generally discussed in a one-way manner (i.e. a person sending a message to the field with a request/intention/prayer desiring an outcome)

This is only ½ of the loop. The wave you’re sending is the feed-forward part of the loop.

You need to realise that the wave coming back is the feed-back which is the rest of the universe creating its reality and responding to you. The universe (Planck Field or ”the Divine”) interacts with the rest of humanity and your creation and the universe gives you a result that is a combination of everyone’s feed-forward waves.

If a person could create a reality exactly the way they wanted it, a few things would happen:

  1. You would be the only one in it because everybody else would be creating their own. It would be very lonely.

  2. You’d also be bored within seconds since you had everything you wanted.

What happens is that you put your intention out into the field and you stay open to what comes back, realising it’s going to get modified for the highest evolution of the whole. This unexpected feed-back gives you empathy for yourself and others. You might not get exactly what you expected but now you’re learning from the experience. The totality of everyone’s learning is how the universe learns about itself.

–– Nassim Haramein


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